In 1994, the Coastal Zone Canada Association organized its first international conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since then, ten biennial CZC conferences have been held around Canada's four coastal regions: the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Arctic and the Great Lakes. But twenty years on, the state of coastal and marine ecosystems globally and in Canada has declined in many areas. Why have we fallen short? How can we revitalize and sustain the commitment and momentum? What must we do to achieve truly integrated coastal and ocean management (ICOM)?
You are cordially invited to join us in Halifax in June 2014 for a 'working conference' to listen, learn, debate, and contribute to the crafting of a practical strategy and action agenda for revitalizing our approaches to ICOM in Canada. We will draw from experience across Canada and the world's coastal nations, from the management, science, policy, engineering, government, academic and civil society sectors that are all vital to an effective and integrated approach.
For further information about CZC 2014 or on joining us in putting together an outstanding 20th Anniversary Conference, please email the Coastal Zone Canada Association at czcadmin@dal.ca.
Website: http://www.czca-azcc.org/czc-zcc2014/