WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium
22-25 April 2014, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Upon the kind offer of the Government of Vietnam, the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium entitled “A Healthy Ocean for Prosperity in the Western Pacific: Scientific Challenges and Possible Solutions” will be hosted by the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), and organized by the Institute of Oceanography, VAST; National IOC Committee for Vietnam and IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific (WESTPAC).

The objectives of the Symposium are to bring together marine scientists, particularly young scientists, with a view to examining the achievements in marine sciences over the last 25 years, advancing marine scientific knowledge, and catalyzing multi- and cross-disciplinary collaboration towards the improvement in management practices and decision-making processes for sharing the wealth of the ocean to benefit all.
All sessions are open to all participants, and will focus around three main themes: (1) Understanding Ocean Processes in the Indo-Pacific Region; (2) Ensuring Marine Biodiversity, Food Safety and Security; and (3) Maintenance of Ocean Health.
Understanding Ocean Processes in the Indo-Pacific Region
● Role of the Indo-Pacific Ocean in regional climate change and variability
● Status, trends and effects of climate, natural disturbances and anthropogenic stressors on ocean ecosystems
● Risk/vulnerability assessment on coastal sea-level related hazards focusing on sea level rise, storm surges and coastal erosion
● Sediment source-to-sink process in the Western Pacific
● Role of the Indo-Pacific Ocean in regional climate change and variability
● Status, trends and effects of climate, natural disturbances and anthropogenic stressors on ocean ecosystems
● Risk/vulnerability assessment on coastal sea-level related hazards focusing on sea level rise, storm surges and coastal erosion
● Sediment source-to-sink process in the Western Pacific
Ensuring Marine Biodiversity, Food Safety and Security
● Status, trends of marine biodiversity and productivity (including marine endangered species, invasive species, etc.)
● Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
● Toxic marine organisms and seafood safety
● Status, trends of marine biodiversity and productivity (including marine endangered species, invasive species, etc.)
● Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
● Toxic marine organisms and seafood safety
Maintenance of Ocean Health
● Changing ocean biogeochemistry and its ecosystem impact (particularly nutrient supply and cycles, hypoxia, POPs and heavy metals)
● Ocean acidification and its effects on marine ecosystems
● Harmful algal blooms
● Restoration and conservation of marine ecosystems
● Remote sensing in integrated coastal and marine management
● Changing ocean biogeochemistry and its ecosystem impact (particularly nutrient supply and cycles, hypoxia, POPs and heavy metals)
● Ocean acidification and its effects on marine ecosystems
● Harmful algal blooms
● Restoration and conservation of marine ecosystems
● Remote sensing in integrated coastal and marine management
Cross-cutting and Emerging Issues
● Development and demonstration of ocean forecasting system
● Technical and technological developments, and data management in coastal and open ocean observations
● Marine renewable energy
● Good practices in, and lessons learnt from capacity development for marine science and ocean governance
Moreover, one Senior Officials Forum is being planned in view of the importance of engaging governmental officials in charge of marine science, observation and capacity building
● Development and demonstration of ocean forecasting system
● Technical and technological developments, and data management in coastal and open ocean observations
● Marine renewable energy
● Good practices in, and lessons learnt from capacity development for marine science and ocean governance
Moreover, one Senior Officials Forum is being planned in view of the importance of engaging governmental officials in charge of marine science, observation and capacity building
Keynote Addresses
● Achievements and perspectives of marine science in the region
● Climate change and variability and its related disasters in the region
● Climate and anthropogenic impacts to and resilience of ecosystems in the region
● Latest scientific advances and innovations in ocean observations techniques
● Impacts on the ocean and coasts following the 2011 Japan Tsunami
● Marine processes and resource management towards sustaining marine biodiversity and food security
● Climate change and variability and its related disasters in the region
● Climate and anthropogenic impacts to and resilience of ecosystems in the region
● Latest scientific advances and innovations in ocean observations techniques
● Impacts on the ocean and coasts following the 2011 Japan Tsunami
● Marine processes and resource management towards sustaining marine biodiversity and food security
Important Deadlines
30 October 2013: Early registration
30 November 2013:
Abstract submission and financial support application
31 December 2013:
Notification of abstract acceptance and financial support grant
15 January 2014:
Confirmation of participation by paper presenters
30 October 2013: Early registration
30 November 2013:
Abstract submission and financial support application
31 December 2013:
Notification of abstract acceptance and financial support grant
15 January 2014:
Confirmation of participation by paper presenters
Registration & Fee
All registration fees will be used to cover meals, reception and printing materials. To plan our events more efficiently, interested participants are encouraged to pre-register as early as possible via our Online Pre/Registration and Payment Form at:http://www.vnio.org.vn/9thwestpacsymp
All registration fees will be used to cover meals, reception and printing materials. To plan our events more efficiently, interested participants are encouraged to pre-register as early as possible via our Online Pre/Registration and Payment Form at:http://www.vnio.org.vn/9thwestpacsymp
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Early registration: |
Early registration for Students: |
Registration after 30/10/2013: |
Students: |
Spouse: |
Travel & Accommodation
More detailed information concerning travel and transportation can be found in the symposium website:www.vnio.org.vn/9thwestpacsymp.
More detailed information concerning travel and transportation can be found in the symposium website:www.vnio.org.vn/9thwestpacsymp.
Financial Support
Financial support will be available for a limited number of participants, especially for young scientists and students from developing countries in the WESTPAC region.
Financial support will be available for a limited number of participants, especially for young scientists and students from developing countries in the WESTPAC region.
Contact Address
Local Secretariat for the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium
Mrs. Do Minh Thu
Institute of Oceanography
01 Cau Da, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
Tel: (84-58) 3590035
Fax: (84-58) 3590034
Email: dmthu.io@gmail.com
IOC Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Ms. Nachapa Saransuth
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Tel: +66 2 1411288
Fax: +66 2 1439245
Email: snachapa@gmail.com;n.saransuth@unesco.org
Local Secretariat for the WESTPAC 9th International Scientific Symposium
Mrs. Do Minh Thu
Institute of Oceanography
01 Cau Da, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam
Tel: (84-58) 3590035
Fax: (84-58) 3590034
Email: dmthu.io@gmail.com
IOC Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Ms. Nachapa Saransuth
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
Tel: +66 2 1411288
Fax: +66 2 1439245
Email: snachapa@gmail.com;n.saransuth@unesco.org
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